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"Du har hørt om landminer, du veit når beinet går av, hvor frekt er det å grine i Norge med noen stein i skoa, da."

Karpe Diem

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Prosjekthula stands for "The cave of projects", and consists of Sigrun and Frode Werner. We live in a little red house in the forest in Norway, and from here we work with art and communication.

Sigrun started out in drawing, but after having had the artist Jan Valentin Sæther as the worlds best teacher for some years, she has been into oil-painting as well.

Frode had his 3 most exciting study years studying media at the University of Stavanger. He works part-time at a local highschool teaching media and communications, and is quite happy doing that!

Together we run the small company called Mediekunstnerne ("The media-artists"), and Prosjekthula is a subdivision. In prosjekthula we have put the more artistic bit of the company.

If you would like to know more about us and what we do more, you can go to

If you see anything you like, or you are wondering if there is something we can help you with, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Carlos and Pernile drawing